Jira: Require field based on reporter

Our IT support team creates tickets in Jira for things submitted to the helpdesk that need to be handled by the development team. If the person that submitted the original ticket is a Jira user, they’ll change the reporter to that person. Otherwise it gets left as the shared account used by the helpdesk (username: helpdesk). In those cases, the helpdesk is supposed to enter the users information in the description. We’ve been having issues lately where they don’t do this. We wanted to add a required custom field Original Requestor, but making it required would be annoying for any other users entering tickets, as well as cases where the helpdesk was able to change the reporter.

Using the script runner plugin, I was able to create a custom validator that only requires the field be populated when the reporter is helpdesk. I had to piece this together from a few different forum posts and digging through the Jira class documentation. I figured I’d share my solution in case anyone else needs to do something similar.

This is what the error looks like if the helpdesk user does not provide a value for the ‘Original Requestor’ field

A few additional things

  • I couldn’t figure out how to get the message to show under the Reporter field and have the label in the top part say “Reporter” instead of “reporter.”
  • You can use cf.getId() as the first parameter in the InvalidInputException, and it will show up under the custom field – but the label was custom_field_10023 or something like that. Don’t know if there is a way to have it show the field name in the label.
  • You can show errors for multiple fields by creating an instance of InvalidInputException for the first error, and then calling myException.addError(..) for the remaining errors.
  • You can omit the first parameter to InvalidInputException, and just pass in the error message. However, nothing will show up under the field causing the error in this case.
  • All of the examples I found used customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName, but according to the documentation, that method has been deprecated in favor of customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectsByName.

Bootstrap 4 and RequireJS

I’ve been loading Boostrap 3 via RequireJS without issue. My app.js looked like the following:

However, when attempting to load Bootstrap 4, which requires Popper.js, I kept getting the following error from Bootstrap: “Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org)” Even though Popper.js was included before Bootstrap in my paths, and I added Popper.js as a dependency in the Bootstrap shim

The issue seems to be that Popper.js is never defined in the global scope. In order to get around that, I did the following, which seems to work:

There might be a more elegant way to handle this, but my knowledge with RequireJS is limited. My application compiled (using Grunt) without issue as well. This issue is also supposed to be resolved in an upcoming Bootstrap release. So, this might only be needed temporarily.

There’s nothing to be afraid of

I just read an email that contained “The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian”

Why? Do you not trust God? Do you not have faith that he can further his will regardless of the political system or who is leading it? I’m not saying we should celebrate the direction our country is moving in, but, we shouldn’t fear it either.

I also think that we are putting far TOO much faith in human beings and our political system if we really think who we elect is going to have such a huge impact on where this country is headed. We all know that this entire world is heading to one event: The return of Christ. We all know what Jesus said things would be like before He returns. What we do will neither hasten nor delay His return, nor the things that must happen leading up to it.

God doesn’t need or want my endorsement of the person or persons he chooses to use to further His will. He does, however, need my obedience and faithfulness. He needs me to trust that whatever happens, He is in control. If I feel two candidates are both bad choices, and neither are people that we should support on their own merits, He doesn’t need us to support them in order to prevent the worst of the candidates from getting elected.

If you honestly feel that Trump or Clinton will be a good president, and, based on their own merits have no issue supporting them for president, then, while I don’t agree, I understand your decision. However, if based on their own merits, you would never vote for them, and are only doing so because you think they aren’t quite as bad as the alternative, I again ask you to search your conscience. Where in scripture did He ever call people to put into power a “bad” person, just because they weren’t as bad at the alternative? When did He ever call on anyone to put a “bad” person in power, period? Yes, He used “bad” people to further His will, and yes, we’ve been told to submit to and pray for our leaders, but none of those are the same as actually supporting then to become our leader.

I like to look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Here is a perfect example of a “bad” leader that God used to further His will. Nebuchadnezzar was used by God to bring judgement on Judah, and three of the men carried off into captivity as part of that judgement were later told to bow down and worship that same person. I’m betting there were other people in that crowd that told them “Just bow down, God used him, so he must be anointed.” or “Just bow down, otherwise you’ll die, and that’s even worse. Bowing down doesn’t really mean you think he’s God, it just means you don’t want to get killed. It’s the lesser of two evils.”

But, they put their faith in God. They knew that if they obeyed Him, and were faithful to Him, that no matter what happened, He’d take care of them (vv 16-18). Standing outside the furnace, they did not waiver. When they were finally thrown in, what happened? God did take care of them (v 25). And, their experience did more to show the power of the Lord than anything they could have ever done on their own (vv 26-29).

I think we’re standing outside our own furnace right now (and I don’t just mean this election, but the world in general). Why are we, unlike those three Jewish boys, so afraid? Why are we bowing before Nebuchadnezzar instead of standing firm and trusting that God will remain faithful to us?

I’m not going to tell anyone who I think they should vote for. I am going to implore everyone to pray about the decision and vote their conscience. Vote for the person you feel would be a good leader. Then, let God take care of it. Let Him decide how He wants to use whoever does get elected to further His will. In the end, the person you vote for isn’t going to change that.

Symfony Dependency Injection and Lazy Services

We are using Symfony’s DependencyInjection component, but, we aren’t using the full-stack framework. In fact, the only other Symfony component we currently use is Doctrine.

When I attempted to utilize lazy Services, I installed the symfony/proxy-manager-bridge package as instructed. Since it is a dependency, this also installed the ocramius/proxy-manager package. However, lazy Services still weren’t working. It ends up that I needed to tell the ContainerBuilder which ProxyInstantiator to use:

The RuntimeInstantiator is installed as part of the proxy-manager-bridge, but, I guess it isn’t utilized automatically unless you’re using the full-stack framework. If you don’t tell it to use the RuntimeInstantiator, it will fallback to using the default RealServiceInstantiator.

Anyway, nothing too complex here, but, I had trouble finding anything online, so I figured I’d put this together so that it might help someone else in the future.

Congratulations Jenkins!

February 26th is “Jenkins Celebration Day!”

Jenkins is a wonderful tool for developers looking to implement a continuous integration system. At my company, we have it set up to monitor our “develop” branch in git. Whenever a commit is made on that branch, Jenkins will pull down the updates, run various tests and code checks (e.g. php lint and php unit), and then compile the output into easy to read metrics. As long as none of the steps fail, Jenkins will then merge the updates into the master branch, and deploy the updates to our production servers.

Pebble Watch Face – Crack in Time

Haven’t done anymore work on my ISY app. However, after creating a watch face via a generator, and then discovering that the date wasn’t updating, I decided to take a stab at building a watch face from the ground up.

download (1)

If you have a pebble, and would like to install it, details can be found here:
Doctor Who - Crack in Time is available on the Pebble appstore

If you have a pebble, whether you install it or not, I’d appreciate it if you’d at least “heart” it.

Source code:

Pebble Watch App – Stage 2

My original plan for stage 2 was to pull in a list of all devices, and offer a menu so the user can select which device to manage. The script would never receive the list response when I would try to get all of the devices. My only guess is, that due to the large amount of data contained in the response, the watch just doesn’t have the memory to support it.

So, I switched paths. First, I created a configuration page that could be used to specify the server, username, password, and the ID of a single device.


I then updated the watch app to store the items specified in the configuration, and, if any of them were blank, to display “Configuration Needed.” Once configured, the watch would query for the NAME and status of the specified device.


Here is the XML data that is returned when you query the device. You can see the node address, name, and status property.


If you update the settings, and provide a different device id, the watch will immediately update the device name and status.


Code after changes for this stage: https://github.com/chasepeeler/isy/tree/Stage2

Stage 3 is going to be expanding the configuration screen so you can define more than one device, and then having the watch give the user a menu so they can select a device, before being taken the screens above. I also need to make a few changes to support some other device address formats.

Stage 4 is going to be adding support for controlling 3+ state devices. Most of my devices can either be on or off, but I do have two fans (High/Medium/Low/Off) and a chandelier that is on a dimmer.

Pebble Watch App – Stage 1

I’m building a watch app for my pebble that I can use to control my lights. I already have all of the home automation setup, using an ISY994i Home Automation Controller. It offers a REST interface that can be used to interact with the system.

In this first stage, I was mainly learning the framework, so pretty much everything was hard-coded in. You could only control one device, the server, username, password, and device were all set in the code. The only thing that was really dynamic, was the status that would change between “On” and “Off”.

But, I got it working!


You can see the code at this point in the process here: https://github.com/chasepeeler/isy/tree/Stage1

More on PHP and MSSQL

So, I finally implemented by own Zend_Db_Adapter (I subclassed Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv) that contained additional methods to make it backwards compatible with our legacy database class. While we will utilize the Zend_Db_Adapter methods going forward, there is just way too much legacy code to attempt any sort of PHP 5.3 upgrade without having the backwards compatible piece in place. So, after I get everything set up, the first issue I encounter is related to the code that sets up various session attributes when a user logs in.

The value that would get returned from the database query was 0 (zero). In the 5.2 environment, the $id == DUMMY check would resolve to false, and go into the “do that” block. However, in the 5.3 environment, that same code resolved to true, and went into the “do this” block. I looked everywhere to see if I could find something indicating a change in comparison logic between 5.2 and 5.3. I thought maybe something changed in relation to type juggling. Nothing. I checked on IRC, where it was confirmed that nothing had changed. I looked for a possible INI setting that had it’s default value changed. Nothing. I ran the code through the debugger multiple times, and while it confirmed the behavior I was seeing, I couldn’t figure it out. Finally I realized that in the 5.2 environment, $id was “0” while on the 5.3 environment, $id was 0.

In PHP, “0” == “string” resolves to false, while 0 == “string” resolves to true. So, why was $id a string in the 5.2 environment and an integer in the 5.3 environment? Database libraries always return values as strings, so I figured it had to be something built into Zend_Db_Adapter to “help out” and convert to proper data types. Didn’t find anything. Finally I found where the sqlsrv libraries actually do the type conversion. While you can specify which type to return when fetching a single value, there is no way to disable the type conversions in any of the other fetch methods.

Not knowing how often code like that above might exist, the first thing I attempted was to update the legacy methods for fetching data (sql_fetchrow and sql_fetchrowset) to convert everything back to a string. This totally killed performance. I wasn’t surprised as a good deal of our legacy code contains “select *” style queries, which then fetch the entire result set (both numeric and associative keys) and then only use a single value from the first row returned. If a little more discipline had been practiced when that code was originally written, the “convert back to string” idea might have worked. But I digress…

Finally, I decided to just update the above method to use a === compare. The data type of returned data will just remain at the top of the list of things to check if we encounter additional errors. So far, we haven’t found anything else.

My next post will deal with the retrieval of identity column values when using the legacy methods for inserting data.

The woes of PHP and MSSQL

My company is still using PHP 5.2. The reason we can’t upgrade to 5.3 is that the old MSSQL drivers are supported in 5.3. The reason we need the old MSSQL drivers is because the database class we use uses the methods provided by the old drivers.

I decided the best way to allow us to move to the newer drivers without massive code changes would be to create a new database class that utilizes the new drivers but also exposes methods with the same names as those in our current database class. The new class would emulate the functionality of the old class when these methods are invoked. Should be simple, right?

It started out being pretty simple. I decided to create a custom adapter Zend_Db_Adapter which extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv, overrides a few methods to add some additional functionality, and then implements the methods needed for backwards compatibility. I was able to knock this out in less than an hour. Our application would not work with the new class. I finally tracked down the source of the issues to the backwards compatible method sql_numrows() which returns the number of rows returned from the last select statement. The Zend adapter didn’t provide a method for this, so I had actually implemented this by directly invoking methods provided by the sqlsrv extension. After some digging, I found out that I have have to define some additional options when the query is made. I made the updates, and it worked!

However, our application was still having issues. After further investigation, I discovered that the 2.x version of the sqlsrv extension would throw an exception whenever the result set contained a column name that was more than 30 characters. It doesn’t just return the data with the column name truncated, but throws an exception and does not return any data. This isn’t an issue in the 3.x version of the extension, but the 3.x version only works with PHP >= 5.3. I have to verify that everything is working correctly with the new drivers against 5.2 before I can attempt an upgrade to 5.2. However, I also found out at that pdo_sqlsrv drivers don’t have this issue.

So, I created another custom adapter that uses the pdo_sqlsrv extension. This extension, it ends up, doesn’t provide any method for determining the number of rows returned. My first attempt to circumvent this limitation was to have my query method just do a “select @@rowcount” after any select query, and store the results. I found that sometimes that query would return 0, even when there were results. I wasn’t ever able to determine exactly what would cause that issue. Next, I tried creating a stored procedure that would take in a select statement, execute it, and return the number of rows in an out parameter. This doesn’t work because the entire result set must be consumed before the variable bound to the out parameter is updated.

So, at this point I really can only think of two options. The first is to build in some sort of parsing mechanism to identify select statements that contain column names that are more than 30 characters long. When encountered, it will alias these columns to a shorter name. The methods that return the results would then catch any of these aliased columns and replace the alias with the original column name before returning the result set. This would be used with the sqlsrv adapter, so I’d have access to the built-in sqlsrv function for determining the number of rows.

The problem with this approach is determining exactly when I need to make the substitution. If the statement contains any CTEs or inline-views, updating those column names will most likely break the outer queries. I also have to make sure that I don’t alias columns that have already been aliased.

The other option is to go ahead and load all of the results from a query into memory, so that I can determine the number of results and use that as the row count. I’d use this with the pdo_sqlsrv adapter, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the column name issue. This might be acceptable if our application had well written queries. However, it doesn’t. There is a good chance that a query is executed that has a result set of thousands of rows, and we only care about how many rows are returned, or we only need a couple of rows from the entire result set.

It seems like my best option is to use the pdo_sqlsrv adapter and load all of the results into memory. If we find scripts that are running out of a memory as a result, we can tackle those as needed. In the end, this is just a short term solution to allow us to upgrade to 5.3, where we can then switch over to the sqlsrv adapter that uses the 3.x drivers.