There’s nothing to be afraid of

I just read an email that contained “The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian”

Why? Do you not trust God? Do you not have faith that he can further his will regardless of the political system or who is leading it? I’m not saying we should celebrate the direction our country is moving in, but, we shouldn’t fear it either.

I also think that we are putting far TOO much faith in human beings and our political system if we really think who we elect is going to have such a huge impact on where this country is headed. We all know that this entire world is heading to one event: The return of Christ. We all know what Jesus said things would be like before He returns. What we do will neither hasten nor delay His return, nor the things that must happen leading up to it.

God doesn’t need or want my endorsement of the person or persons he chooses to use to further His will. He does, however, need my obedience and faithfulness. He needs me to trust that whatever happens, He is in control. If I feel two candidates are both bad choices, and neither are people that we should support on their own merits, He doesn’t need us to support them in order to prevent the worst of the candidates from getting elected.

If you honestly feel that Trump or Clinton will be a good president, and, based on their own merits have no issue supporting them for president, then, while I don’t agree, I understand your decision. However, if based on their own merits, you would never vote for them, and are only doing so because you think they aren’t quite as bad as the alternative, I again ask you to search your conscience. Where in scripture did He ever call people to put into power a “bad” person, just because they weren’t as bad at the alternative? When did He ever call on anyone to put a “bad” person in power, period? Yes, He used “bad” people to further His will, and yes, we’ve been told to submit to and pray for our leaders, but none of those are the same as actually supporting then to become our leader.

I like to look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Here is a perfect example of a “bad” leader that God used to further His will. Nebuchadnezzar was used by God to bring judgement on Judah, and three of the men carried off into captivity as part of that judgement were later told to bow down and worship that same person. I’m betting there were other people in that crowd that told them “Just bow down, God used him, so he must be anointed.” or “Just bow down, otherwise you’ll die, and that’s even worse. Bowing down doesn’t really mean you think he’s God, it just means you don’t want to get killed. It’s the lesser of two evils.”

But, they put their faith in God. They knew that if they obeyed Him, and were faithful to Him, that no matter what happened, He’d take care of them (vv 16-18). Standing outside the furnace, they did not waiver. When they were finally thrown in, what happened? God did take care of them (v 25). And, their experience did more to show the power of the Lord than anything they could have ever done on their own (vv 26-29).

I think we’re standing outside our own furnace right now (and I don’t just mean this election, but the world in general). Why are we, unlike those three Jewish boys, so afraid? Why are we bowing before Nebuchadnezzar instead of standing firm and trusting that God will remain faithful to us?

I’m not going to tell anyone who I think they should vote for. I am going to implore everyone to pray about the decision and vote their conscience. Vote for the person you feel would be a good leader. Then, let God take care of it. Let Him decide how He wants to use whoever does get elected to further His will. In the end, the person you vote for isn’t going to change that.

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